
Rope Assemblies are accredited to the following standards. These standards are of major benefit to our business, staff and customers and we strive to ensure product quality and the health & safety of all people wherever they are from start to finish.


BS 795 Certification For Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Wire Strops

The PPE Directive 89/686/EEC covers the manufacture and marketing of personal protective equipment. It defines legal obligations to ensure that PPE on the European market provides the highest level of protection against hazards. The CE marking affixed to PPE provides evidence of this protection. Rope Assemblies PPE Wire Strops have been certified again as part of our annual audit and certification process for the standard BS EN 795:2012 – PPE against falls from height – anchor devices: requirements and testing. You can download a copy of our BS 795 certificate clicking here.


ISO9001:2015 – FM523438

ISO 9001 sets out the criteria for our quality management system. The standards provide guidance and tools for Rope Assemblies to ensure that our products and services consistently meet our customer’s requirements, and that quality is consistently improved as part of an ongoing continuous process. You can download a copy of our ISO certificate clicking here.


LEEA – Lifting Equipment Engineers Association

The Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA) is established across the globe as the leading representative body for all those involved in the lifting industry worldwide. They are the respected and authoritative representative body working in every aspect of the industry, from design, manufacture, refurbishment and repair.



PLASA – Professional Light & Sound Association

PLASA is the lead international membership body for those who supply technologies and services to the event, entertainment and installation industries. As a pro-active trade association, it looks after the interests of its members and seeks to influence business practices and skills development across the industry.



ABTT – The Association of British Theatre Technicians

The Association of British Theatre Technicians is a charity and a company limited by the guarantee of its members. They campaign on behalf of the theatre industry to ensure legislation is appropriate to the industry’s needs, and that regulations are suitably drafted and enforced as an ongoing process.



IOSH – Institution of Occupational Safety and Health

IOSH is the Chartered body for health and safety professionals – As the world’s biggest professional health and safety membership organisation, they are the voice of the profession, campaigning on issues that affect millions of working people. Committed to creating “A world of work which is safe, healthy and sustainable”.
